Delivery addresses

Below are delivery addresses to Renova’s and Renova Miljö’s facilities and to the recycling centres we run for our municipal owners.

Waste-to-energy plant

Sävenäs waste-to-energy plant: von Utfallsgatan 29, 415 05 Göteborg. See on Google maps

Offices and management units

  • Holmen, Göteborg (head office, materials depot, vessel storage and vehicle workshop): Gullbergs Strandgata 20-22, 411 04 Göteborg. See on Google maps
  • Kungälv office and workshop: Bultgatan 8, 442 80 Kungälv. See on Google maps
  • Bönekulla, Säve: (management unit, recycling for businesses) Bönekullevägen 9, 417 46 Göteborg. See on Google maps

Landfill sites

Treatment of biological waste

  • Marieholm treatment facility for biological waste: Marieholmsgatan 144, 415 02 Göteborg. See on Google maps

Hazardous waste and electronics

  • Recycling of hazardous waste and electronics: von Utfallsgatan 27, 415 05 Göteborg. See on Google maps


  • Rödingen development facility: Marieholmsgatan 96, 415 02 Göteborg. Seo on Google maps


Recycling centres

  • Bulycke recycling centre: Bulyckevägen 10, 418 78 Göteborg. See on Google maps
  • Högsbo recycling centre: A Odhners gata 19, 421 30 Västra Frölunda. See on Google maps
  • Kläpp (transshipment, sorting, recycling centre): Kläpp 101, 444 95 Ödsmål. See on Google maps
  • Sävenäs recycling centre: von Utfallsgatan 30, 415 05 Göteborg. See on Google maps
  • Tagene recycling centre: Karlsbogårdsgatan 30, 425 37 Hisings Kärra. See on Google maps

Sorting and transshipment

  • Tagene landfill and transshipment: Karlsbogårdsgatan 15, 425 37 Hisings Kärra. See on Google maps