Manage your waste and recycling in our customer portal
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Get full control over your waste management.
In the Customer Portal your company gets full control over containers, see statistics and environmental facts. Always open, 24/7!
Manage your waste and recycling in our customer portal
Renova Miljö's environmentally friendly customer portal provides businesses with simple tools for operational and strategic sustainability work.
The portal allows customers to view their statistics in a visual and clear way, and in the environmental Benefit section you can follow what happens to your waste, how much of it is recycled, and how it is processed. The portal is in Swedish.
The Renova customer portal has received a number of awards. It won the 2019 CIO Award as the sustainable project of the year and was a finalist for Teknikföretagen’s Grand Award of Design.
More information
To apply for an account or to find out more about the portal, contact our customer service.