Our facilities

Our facilities

Renova has facilities for treatment and sorting of waste and recyclable material in western Sweden. We also have facilities for intermediate storage, transhipment stations and a workshop for heavy vehicles.

Sävenäs avfallskraftvärmeverk på kvällen

Waste-to-energy plant

Renova’s waste-to-energy plant at Sävenäs in Gothenburg is one of the world's most advanced facilities for the incineration of waste for the production of heating and electricity. Around 300 trucks deliver waste to the plant on a daily basis. The waste is burned in four furnaces and the thermal energy generated is then transformed into electricity and district heating.

From every tonne of waste combusted today, we recover 3.3 MWh of energy in the form of electricity and district heating. 60 percent of our electricity production is labelled as biofuel-based origin. Every year, the waste-to-energy plant provides 30 percent of district heating in the region's network and 5 percent of the electricity needs of Gothenburg's population!

The flue gases from the combustion process are cleaned in several stages, and are well within the EU’s requirements when emitted.

Adjacent to the waste-to-energy plant is a reception facility for combustible biohazardous and classified waste. The facility also includes the Renova Education Centre, where field trips and training courses are held.

Treatment facility for biological waste

The Group's treatment facility for sorted food waste is located at Marieholm in Gothenburg. After being pulverised, compressed, strained and mixed with liquid food waste, the final product of this treatment facility is a slurry suitable for biogas production. The pre-treatment facility for biological waste is an important step towards increased biogas production. 


We offer the deposition of non-combustible industrial waste, contaminated soils and some types of hazardous waste at our Fläskebo landfill site. Renova’s other landfill site at Tagene is primarily intended for ash from waste combustion. We extract scrap metal and municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash from the cinders from our waste-to-energy plant so that these materials can be recycled/reused. This area is also used for interim storage of various materials.

Person tittar i farligt avfallskåp på byggarbetsplats

Hazardous waste and electronics

We receive, sort and temporarily store hazardous waste from businesses at our new facility at Sävenäs. The waste is then transported to one of our partners for recycling, destruction or safe storage. Renova also sorts small batteries collected from households in a large number of municipalities in Sweden. We operate a reception centre for electronic waste from businesses on behalf of El-Kretsen, Sweden's nationwide recycling system for discarded electrical and electronic products.

Transshipment stations

To reduce the number of waste shipments, Renova reloads household waste into larger vehicles for shipment to energy recovery facilities.


Waste from businesses, construction sites, etc, is brought to our facilities in Skräppekärr and Högsbo for further sorting. Recycling centres for businesses are also located here.

All recyclable materials are recovered. Materials are also stored prior to transport to various recycling companies.

Workshops and truck/car wash

Renova's maintenance workshop repairs and maintains vehicles, containers and waste handling equipment for our own vehicles and external customers. We also have a heavy vehicle wash, at which we offer eco-friendly washing.